EASK Consultancy

Open Positions

We are looking for ambitious, enthusiastic and talented individuals to join our team of innovators as we lead the charge towards a carbon-neutral world.
Watch this space as we continue to release new positions, across all departments, over the coming months.

Why work for Green Rebel

The future is green energy

Green Rebel is working towards protecting the planet during the ongoing climate crisis by propelling the development of the offshore renewable energy industry, which would greatly reduce the levels of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. Not only that, but this development will boost the Irish economy, create highly skilled jobs, revitalise coastal communities and reduce Ireland’s dependence on imported fuels. Furthermore, Green Rebel’s dedicated scientists ensure that these goals are achieved with minimal disruption to our oceans. Become part of the team that is instrumental in this revolutionary shift to clean energy and a carbon-neutral world.

We value our people

We are a close-knit team at Green Rebel. We are very passionate about what we do and we value the vital role that each team member plays in achieving our collective goals. The Green Rebel team is built on respect and understanding and a strong sense of community. Our brand new offices in Crosshaven, Co. Cork are modern and open, which will allow our team members to collaborate and work together more freely, when it is safe to do so. At Green Rebel we believe in the importance of creating social connections as well as hard-work and dedication in order for our team to continue to grow and thrive.

Stay informed

Green Rebel Group is a dynamic and ambitious company with plans to expand into many different areas. Therefore, if you don’t see your perfect role in our list of open positions, do not lose hope! We are always looking to hire enthusiastic, ambitious and hard-working individuals with a variety of skill sets and experience to join our team. To find your ideal role at Green Rebel, be sure to stay updated on new opportunities by regularly checking the careers page on our website and following our social media pages which can be found by following the link below or searching Green Rebel Group on all major platforms.

We give back

At Green Rebel we value community. That’s why we support local communities and local businesses and participate in charity sponsorships and fundraisers. We are always working on ways to give back to our local communities, including commissioning exciting projects for the beautiful coastal town of Crosshaven, Co. Cork, where we are based. We are dedicated to understanding the benefits our projects will bring to the community and we try to amplify these benefits wherever possible, for example, by finding ways to create more jobs and use local suppliers and service providers when they are needed.