EASK Consultancy
Drydocking Representative

Drydocking Representative


Drydocking Representative

Eask Marine Super intendents have a wealth of experience in all aspects of Drydocking operations. We have managed and supervised numerous dry dockings at Dubai Drydocks on both Suez max and VLCC’s when it was not possible for Engineer Superintendents to attend from the company. The only thing we require is a copy of the drydock specification / job criteria with specific emphasis placed on work considered by the company to be critically important and leave the rest to EASK. Our marine representatives will liase closely with the yard staff to ensure that the work is carried out to the highest standard and give the company a detailed progress report at Close of Business each day. Eask Marine Consultants have vast experience with final cost negotiations, often saving companies many thousands of dollars.


Technical Writing


Dynamic Positioning

Energy Management / Demand Response Analysis