Green Rebel are supporting the development of offshore windfarms in Ireland, which may cause some to question, why this initiative in Ireland and why offshore renewable energy? The following sources were used to best answer these questions: The Governmental National Energy and Climate Plan 2021 – 2030 and report by KPMG entitled “Offshore Wind: Ireland’s Economic and Social Opportunity”.
Ireland’s offshore marine territory is over 10 times larger than the country’s landmass, extending up to 880,000km² from the coastline. Therefore, there is a huge amount of space available for offshore windfarms which would be located many kilometers from the coast therefore minimising any visual or noise impact on Irish communities.
Being on the Atlantic, Ireland is in a very good position for wind generation, a resource that has not been utilised to its full potential. In fact, in 2018 Ireland was the only country on the Atlantic within the EU that was not working towards offshore developments. The Irish government have established a goal to increase the national dependency on renewable energy from 30% to 70% by 2030, and with the necessary political support and national commitment, Ireland could eventually become a carbon neutral country. Offshore renewable energy also has the potential to boost the Irish economy, revitalise coastal communities, reduce dependance on imported fuels, and create thousands of jobs.
Green Rebel aim to be at the forefront of this revolutionary shift towards offshore renewable energy. Green Rebel are working towards achieving the national energy goals as efficiently and effectively as possible. For example, Green Rebel’s multi-client service offering allows them to collect the data required for the development of offshore windfarms from now which will allow future clients to fast-track their offshore projects.