Navigating your Route to Success

Green Rebel has been described as one of the most exciting start-ups in recent Irish history.  It is a dynamic company specializing in data acquisition, analytics and consultancy to support offshore renewable energy development. We are Ireland's most capable and established provider of marine geophysical data and analysis for marine renewable energy projects. We ensure the highest quality service offering with our world class multi-disciplinary scientific team and state-of-the-art technology, including our dedicated survey vessels, bespoke aircraft and advanced met ocean solutions including the best-in-class LIDAR buoys. At Green Rebel our goal is to be a key contributor to Ireland meeting its renewable energy goals and eventually becoming a carbon neutral country. Our survey methods are strategically designed to limit ecological and maritime disruption.

VDR Analysis

VDR data together with relevant voyage documents can be used, when analysed by an auditor, to confirm that bridge procedures are being followed, that bridge team are working effectively and to observe watch keeping standards.

Regular VDR analysis can supplement navigation assessments or stand alone when investigating incidents and as such can be both an investigative and a preventative tool that can highlight errors and reduce reoccurrence which, in turn, could reduce incidents.

VDR Analysis identifties gaps, highlights errors and provides recommendations for improvement which in-turn makes for safer navigation.

The Process:

Our client sends the VDR data along with copies of relevant voyage documents on a CD, memory stick or direct to our drop box for analysis by the auditor. The auditor then produces a comprehensive written report with observations and recommendations based on best practice and bridge procedures. The report is then sent to the client as a finished document complete with an assessment of navigational operations on board the vessel. One of our consultants can then follow up with any training that may be necessary if required by the client.

Benefits for the client

No auditor presence on board and so no possibility of the navigators 'raising their performance' for the duration of the audit.

The client chooses when and where the audit takes place - This can be used for port arrival / departure  or areas of particularly high traffic density.The data can be paused, rewound and replayed exhaustively for better understanding and analysis. The data can be shared with the bridge team in conjunction with the report to better emphasis and demonstrate the findings and recommendations for improvement.
Eask Marine will tailor a bespoke solution for our clients and will also integrate onboard training programes such as Sea Gull to ensure companies are getting the most out of what they are already paying for.
For more information and to discuss how we can assist you with your particular requirements, Please contact us;

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Onboard Navigation Audits / Assessments

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Onboard Training

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This is some text inside of a div block.

Technical Writing

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This is some text inside of a div block.

Route Optimization = Emmissions Reduction

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This is some text inside of a div block.

VDR Analysis

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This is some text inside of a div block.

Drydocking Representative

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This is some text inside of a div block.

Tanker / Terminal SafetyAudits

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This is some text inside of a div block.

Energy Management / Demand Response Analysis

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This is some text inside of a div block.

Dynamic Positioning

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This is some text inside of a div block.

Food Waste Reduction / Galley Dept. Training

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Contact us

For more information and to discuss how we can assist you with your particular requirements, please contact us;

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EASK Consultancy